
Peso Overview

Pablo Alejandro Ruiz Hidalgo
Emilio Zaid Alvarez Barrera
Alejandro Damián Gómez Rangel
Emilio Zaid Alvarez Barrera
Pablo Alejandro Ruiz Hidalgo
Alejandro Damián Gómez Rangel
POS Atleta B W L W%
1 Win 20210303 19 48 43 pro Emilio Zaid Alvarez Barrera 1 1 0 100%
2 E7b83886 8ddf 4fc0 924d e1d8923f1def Pablo Alejandro Ruiz Hidalgo 2 1 1 50%
3 Whatsapp image 2021 07 22 at 4.36.33 pm Alejandro Damián Gómez Rangel 1 0 1 0%
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