
Peso Overview

Lucio Villalobos Terrazas
Erick Alejando Cuevas Sotelo
Alexis Luis Manzanares Loredo
Erick Alejando Cuevas Sotelo
Lucio Villalobos Terrazas
Alexis Luis Manzanares Loredo
POS Atleta B W L W%
1 Missing Erick Alejando Cuevas Sotelo 1 1 0 100%
2 Whatsapp image 2022 05 07 at 6.59.53 pm Lucio Villalobos Terrazas 2 1 1 50%
3 278702680 538163764314401 2965360986538218059 n %281%29 Alexis Luis Manzanares Loredo 1 0 1 0%
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