
Peso Overview

Jorge ulises Ortiz Blanco
Aldo Yael Cruz Girón
Andrés Vargas
José Miguel Lievano Beristain
Aldo Yael Cruz Girón
Jorge ulises Ortiz Blanco
Andrés Vargas
José Miguel Lievano Beristain
POS Atleta B W L W%
1 Win 20180201 07 25 16 pro Aldo Yael Cruz Girón 3 3 0 100%
2 Whatsapp image 2019 10 31 at 6.05.17 pm Jorge ulises Ortiz Blanco 2 1 1 50%
3 Campe%c3%93n monterrey José Miguel Lievano Beristain 1 0 1 0%
3 15724018776244386892845853216110 Andrés Vargas 1 0 1 0%
5 Picsart 11 05 05.38.17 Aldo yair Flores matla 1 0 1 0%
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